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martes, 27 de agosto de 2013


I go day. i know say judgment day that things go toff. some people go hold condom. all men go come out that time , you go know say we are all aqual. All this title kings, queen. that time line every body, people go they say come on, your free enter. the kings, and the queen go they say, no stay on your position. me I just look back, I see obama. I say guy obama, y
ou they here. I am president obama! leave that thing, you be president you follow me stand here? way your wife? that time you they for earth you want finish the world. now make you go do mr president for here make I see. my turn just reach, I walk reach the table. then God ask me what is you name? I say Fred. he look the file and say mr Fred enter! some people go they shout come back here! I done enter, I done enter. come what is your name his excellency! his excellency, his excellency, hellfire! he say no my lord, check with my real name Rayoj. Rayoj, Rayoj, enter hellfire my friend. any how you want turn it. but you know say other country like french, germeny, when they tell them to go hellfire they go cry obediently they go hellfire. o my God i did not make it. but for spanish boy he go question God. check again. me you know how many people I have convert.? if not so, all my offering, all my gift. make they return them to me, I need all of them. God go say go to hell. spanish boy go come stand to door of hellfire. he go say make I see people that want enter this Haven! you go come see angel gabriel, he go come fly come say, don`t annoyed God! he will be angry with you! spanish boy go say waiting God want do, way pass this one. if he have condemn us, we have condemned. waiting he want do again. we they here today. them come like see jesus, they move they show me road, you know this is chapel! they say brother Je" that guy done corrupt oo! I will just lock up. I no go answer any body. angel gabiel go they fly they arrange file. they go say angel gabriel they there they fly they show your self. you think say is easy to be human being you think say is easy. come be human being make I be angel, make you see say I go do that job pass you. I trust spanish, they can fit tamper with that list. that time you go see strong men of God, they see my name is pop john paul. pop john paul? you have entered haven. he say no my lord, may be some body just use my name to enter. God go say wait. Next! another one come, what is your name? ALBERTO PIZZOLI. ALBERTO PIZZOLI? you have haven! see we tick is good this is your DNI every thing. but when Jesus come see his servant he said what! give me that list. he go look it, what? this is not... if you know your spanish, you are inside here come out! come outside we are starting again. you see men they hid make they no see them. me I go just they come God go say no, Fred you go inside. you see men the ask God, what of me? God go say what is your name? juan. I say go to hell! if you are spanish come out. they no go want come out. Jesus no go know when he speak spanish. ven van pa aqui todos. give me the list if you hear name come out. Cospedal come out! Barcenas come out! in short if you know you are PP member come out here.! Fred you day.

miércoles, 21 de agosto de 2013

The political novel of war

The political novel of war 23 dignity '(351-2), and in Madrid, 1940. Memories of a young fascist us say that 'In Catalonia we are on the 9,385 shot. It was the area more dangerous and difficult to clean '(135). Subversion, in these novels, is performed primarily by what Javier del Prado called 'paradoxical writing', ie that 'has as axis presentation of a truth that overrides what the status quo admits as only truth '.7 The different narrators - the' intellectual Franco 'Palomino, the anonymous narrator of Memoirs of a Spanish fascist, Caudillo himself Autobiography of Franco, and Mariano Armijo in Memoirs of a young fascist - to present as his ideal the anti-Franco political (in the first novel) or fascism / Franco (In the other three), decode the reality experienced in his youth and most as an absolute goodness, so that contradictions and falsehood traslucen through all his words. The idea of ​​nation, community, collective and personal virtue are as wrong as any reader minimally attentive quickly detects the contradiction claims. The Memoirs of an intellectual Franco were published in 1972, and its protagonist, José Luis Amézqueta, professor of philosophy removed from his chair in the Spanish university teaches at United States since 1965. He has written his memories, and the publisher that publishes is glad 'to have at hand the secular saint, the cult rebel' an 'intellectual Franco, nightmare and glory Regime International '(23). Young University in 1936, he enlisted in the troops nationalists, but it was Falangist or requeté or provisional lieutenant. He fought as little as possible, not to kill Spanish, and then refused to go to Russia in the Blue Division. I wanted to work to expand the Regime make it more democratic, but was not allowed, in college wanted 'Spanish to adults, free, with brains' (244) and poured by activist. The maverick 'nightmare and uncomfortable figure Regime of what some have called Opposition '(200), boasts being different from the victors. Progressive Catholic is declared, write an essay on Unamuno scandalous, defends freedom and democracy, and eventually decide to take an air outside Franco, resemble his caricatura.8 Then, remembering the war, think, 'now you're the red' (363); has naively expected during thirty years 'this fall' (425). The bestselling novel achieved by Palomino at the time publication, both for its provocative title as the known personality of its author, proposes a prototype of which claims to be superior to others for its ability to be neutral amidst all political conflicts, to judge everything with complete equanimity. But at the same time is a caricature of the liberal, the man who wants 'to create democracy' (353), who fought several Spanish first with the Nationals but soon became disillusioned and formed part of the UA-43237634-1 opposition to the regime, those intellectuals who wanted the modernization of Spain and ended up as teachers in the United States, seven months living there and the rest of the year at home. It has a soaring claims' I was a force, I could move her forces higher youth could move '(258). His statements demonstrate proud that exceeds the limits, as judged by the phrases already quoted: 'secular saint', 'rebel cult', 'intellectual Franco, nightmare regime and international glory '. And we could also add this one: 'I had the unequivocal proof that I was abroad Spanish intellectual considered the most qualified to perform in the country a research socio-economic '(315). A pride added their disdain, their contempt for the lowly, his lack of democratic spirit, his false conception of Catholicism all makes very disagreeable, unworthy of admiración.9 In Memoirs of a Spanish fascist, the narrator of Fernando Gonzalez - Unnamed narrator, unlike the Palomino - it is' not a intellectual, or an executive, not a politician ', but an ordinary man, 'One of the few Spanish, row, still not ashamed to be Fascist, understanding that implies a sense of nationhood '(ll). Was Falange during the war, fought with the Blue Division and then the German Army. He watched the paths of Spain were not dreamed for him and says he died in 1956, but really did not commit suicide until July 18, 1976, after Franco's death. She believed in the real possibility of the victory of fascism has played and lost, he can not live with the reformists who claim to forget all virtues of Franco. The first narrator of the text, gives it to publish and write the foreword, says that it is not a text humorous, neither cruel nor a complete and orthodox version of the recent history of Spain, but the protagonist is so childish and gullible, as exaggeration, I can not even seem plausible. Look at their first words: 'Nothing compels my silence, at the Valley of the Fallen that much love has locked, the head rests ... I believe in violence honestly exercised by those with the pure soul and mind fixed on the supreme good of the Fatherland ('Credo', emphasis added). Is one full agreement with all acts, even the most reprehensible of victors against any up and over all expired (29, 73, 203), purification in the concentration camps (37), reports the brutality of all kinds often repeated his total faith in Franco (182). Highlighted here all the topics of Franco: love the Caudillo, the value of which went to Russia with the Blue Division, the honor of dying for the defense of fascist values, the horror of communism, the Masonry, liberalism, democracy, etc.. etc. But it is known that persuaded fascists never disagreed with Franco, and the character confuses the two ideologies: while describes itself same as fascist, moreover says: 'It is shocking, even now,

The subversion of language in the novel

The subversion of language in the novel policy. The case of some texts Spain's war Maryse Bertrand de Muñoz, Université de Montréal In Spain discussed between 1936 and 1939 the great ideas of the century XX: communism, fascism, socialism, democracy, monarchism, anarchism. The conflict was essentially ideological, and during decades many books on the subject of political passion overflowed. Even in creative literature, the same phenomenon was felt: from a first moment to last much of the century, many novels Civil War inspired an ideal advocate and adopt a tone controversial, combative. The political struggle may appear directly even in a fiction book, encouraging the reader to take as an example the characters, but also can work in reverse, inventing protagonists who apparently support either side but making them act in ways that create a reaction in the recipient contrary. The irony, sarcasm, insistence overlap in defects inadmissible in a hero, contradiction, and these are found in many of these texts, but particularly in four novels take as examples of subversion of political language: Memories of an intellectual Franco (1972), Angel Palomino Memories a fascist Spanish (1976) by Fernando Gonzalez, Autobiography of General Franco (1992), Manuel Vazquez Montalban, and Madrid 1940. Memoirs of a young fascist (1993) of Francisco Umbral.1 The pitfalls of the historical novel - and of course the novels studied here belong to the genre - are numerous and are not less the dangers of 'political novel' subgenre of the novel ideological. This, as the historical novel has aroused skepticism of many critics: its complexity is large, it uses two registers, the policy and fiction. And if to this is added the history, as is the case of interest here, become three and the literary value the texts can be very problematic. The political novel about both the ideological novel - in which you want to advocate one idea, a dream, a thesis, often to the detriment of the properly novel - as a social novel, in the sense of wanting not only witness but to denounce a situation that appears intolerable, this complaint becomes so strong that often outweighs other aspects. In it everything is subject to the demonstration of a political ideal: the characters, structure, style are subordinate to the thesis UA-43237634-1 want to try. It denigrates the enemy and praising the fellow, the tone is often inflamed, rhetorical style, the ideas brought up one end and, above all, the intention is polémica.2 The object of all political novel, then, is to fight for or against the power established, and intentionality may be evident, but it can also that is not very distinct from the structure of the text. Best narrative works are always polyvalent, and the reader must discover and restore the true sense that he wanted to give the autor.Ya that ambiguity is the essence of the text as signifying process, ambiguity that lies at the heart of critical reading, the reader not know which way to look. So, condemned to look at the two directions at once, so it covers his eyes is the process of transformation, training through writing and beyond it, differently of Reality. ' Said Julia Kristeva in 1969, after Bakhtin, that every text is a "dialogic space 'that can run on different isotopies and give in different readings, until completely opuestas.4 Therefore, the Reading should be prudent and to detect any subversion of reality described, any violation of the codes to which is subjected the text: 'The subversion is thus a process, a decoding of the real and recoding it gives a new meaning '.5 In the texts chosen seems evident the need to move, for interpretation, to what Antonio Gómez-Moriana called the 'paradigmatic axis - axis selection - the syntagmatic axis - the axis of the combination - to make clear a new dimension to our study of text, which we will call interdiscursivity '.6 novels González Vázquez Montalbán Threshold and seek to reverse the proposed codes, subvert stereotypes of the times of Franco, deconstruct the discourse key to better highlight their inconsistencies and errors, while Palomino that proceed in reverse: the main character pretends to be numerous claims against Franco but addiction is perceived Ruling regime. We propose to analyze on these different speech marks, which are noticed in loans to employees thematic and linguistic level. In the four texts studied, we enter a world conditioned by the dichotomy good / bad or winners / losers. In Memoirs of an intellectual Franco, 'The children of the victors began to think independently and dispassionately judge their parents. The children of the vanquished fear laughed that cradled his childhood and aspired to restore their parents' (271), while in Memories of a Spanish fascist 'The streets of the capital were full of "poor"' and 'Begging among the children of the "red" was held high' (166). The Autobiography of General Franco tells us to 'finish hatred on the war, you [Franco] applied hatred of extermination, the sadism of taking the enemy any structuring her