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Helpus There should be peace and security in Sudan DONATE: "There should be peace and security in Sudan," "We come so that we can bring peace to Sudan, to our brothers and sisters in Sudan. Our relationship is very important," Sudan relies on revenue from oil transported through its southern neighbours' pipelines, which Khartoum fears will be disrupted by the fighting. Meanwhile, East Africa's regional bloc the Intergovernmental Authority on Development (Igad) is trying to mediate between the Sudanese government and its opponents . DONATE. Storry of my life Go africa Posted by fred william Sat, March 01, 2014 12:25:46 I just want to say that my name is fred william and i came from a long way. I have being telling a story that have being so painful to me. For me it have being a long join for me traveling the world telling my story inform of a book. telling it like now the easy one so i have branded my self as a way child am doing this for all people in my vilage now, who have lost there children, there is no news paper to cover there pain that is what i want to change in the society is just like one man who want to creat a change but there is no way to project his voice he cant right there is no interne just like facebook twitter or youtube for them to talk all so one thing that keep me telling this painful story is the dream i have is like the voice of the daid which i have seen will tell me dont give up keep on going DONATE I was born in the must dificult time when my country was at war i see my vilege born down the vilege that mean a lot to me i see it vanishe i see my mother short down when i was only 12 years my father was cleam by the war my friends, and neghbors scatared and uptill now me and my uncle have never seen or have isues with hem seen people died every day is like i was resing in a voirente and that make me call my self a war child and not only that, when i was 10 years i became a child soldier i didn't know what was the war for but one thing i know was the imaging that i see that make me join and when i when to the training camp i said that i will kill as many muslem, as many arabe as posible the traning was an easy because i wanted to revench for my villege luckly now thing have change because i have found out the trueth what was killing us , is not the muslem not the arabe. some one siting sone where manipuleting the sistem and using the religoin to get what they want from us which is the oil, diamant the gold and land. and now that i realise the trueth make me to chose should i continiog or let go. or should i tell you about my join in the desiat traying to come to Europe my dream are like toment my heavy montent in the boding desiate, who to ear my cry as i was tempted to earth my onw shit we use to go vilege to vilege beging for food earthing from desbing because we needed a food some time you have to lose just winwith one eyes opping i have seen my people dieng like a fly but i have never seen a dead body at list the one that i have kill DONATE i cant forget man man rising is gun no ritrit no solinder am not alon in this problem some time am doing long in other to make things right is like am liven a dream the children of Darfur there is no need to be worry it you that i have being fighting for leght home never known the day am gona return the music i use to ear is bomb and gun somany daid that i nver cry any more you people may questioning why am i here for ? resing tthe children who dont know how to read and right that is my dream we want to build a scholl in sudan the importante of education to me is what am willing to pay for because i know what it can do . education can lighting your bren, give you the chance you can be able to solvive as a nation we have be criple for so many years, 30 years of family in refugee camp they only get the food that come from UN and the help of people like you and I If any body want to help us this what we want. give us tools, invest in our country in education so that we can have strong institution that can change our country if we be able to invest in education so that we can change africa in other to do that we have found asocietion which is call goafrica where we put children in school so that can soport so i said am going to put it in practis and poeple which will help us make it a reality that is why we are making a change to make a defrente in the world you can save a child your help is very importante to us donate if you can. thanks DONATE Sólo quiero decir que mi nombre es Fred William y yo venía de un largo camino. He está contando una historia que han de ser tan doloroso para mí . Para mí ha de ser mucho unen para mí viajar por el mundo contando mi historia a informar de un libro . decir las cosas como ahora la más fácil , así que tengo mi propia marca como un niño camino estoy haciendo esto para todas las personas de mi Vila ahora , que han perdido allí los niños , no hay noticias de papel para cubrir hay dolor que es lo que yo quiero cambiar en la sociedad es como un hombre que quiere creat un cambio, pero no hay no hay manera de proyectar su voz él bisela derecho no hay interne como facebook twitter o youtube para ellos hablar todo lo que una cosa que me mantenga contar esta historia dolorosa es el sueño que tengo es como la voz de la daid que he visto me dirá no renuncies a seguir adelante DONATE Yo nací en el mosto tiempo dificil cuando mi país estaba en guerra veo mi vilege nació por la vilege que significa mucho para mí lo veo vanishe veo a mi madre corto abajo cuando era solamente 12 años, mi padre era cleam por el guerra mis amigos y neghbors scatared y uptill ahora yo y mi tío nunca he visto o tiene isues con dobladillo personas atendidas murieron cada día es como si estuviera en un Resing voirente y que haga que llama a mi mismo un niño de la guerra y no sólo eso , cuando yo tenía 10 años me convertí en un niño soldado que no sabía lo que era la guerra por menos uno cosa que yo sabía era la imagen que veo que me hace unirme y cuando cuando al campo de entrenamiento que he dicho que voy a matar a tantos muslem , como muchos arabe como posible el traning fue fácil porque quería revench para mi Villege por suerte ahora lo tiene el cambio porque he hallado la trueth lo que nos estaba matando , no no es el muslem el arabe . alguien sone emplazamiento donde manipuleting del sistem y utilizando el religoin para conseguir lo que quieren de nosotros , que es el petróleo, el oro y Diamant tierra . y ahora que me doy cuenta de las trueth me hacen a elegí debo continiog o suelto . o debo hablarte de mi unen en el desiat traying venir a Europa mi sueño son como toment mi pesada montent en el desiate presagio , que al oído mi grito cuando sentí la tentación de la tierra mi mierda onw usamos para ir a vilege vilege beging para puesta a tierra de la alimentación desbing porque necesitábamos un alimento algún tiempo usted tiene que perder sólo uno winwith ojos opping que he visto en mi pueblo Dieng como una mosca , pero yo nunca he visto un cadáver en la lista de la que tengo kill DONATE no puedo olvidar hombre hombre ascendente es el arma no ritrit no solinder no soy Alon en este problema hace tiempo estoy haciendo mucho en otros para hacer las cosas bien es como darle vida a un sueño am los niños de Darfur no hay necesidad de ser se preocupan lo que tengo está luchando por casa Leght nunca sabe el día am gona devolver la música que utilizo para la oreja es la bomba y la pistola somany daid que i nver lloro más que la gente puede preguntarse por qué estoy aquí ? resing excedía los niños que no saben leer y derecho que es mi sueño que queremos construir un scholl en sudán Importante el de la educación para mí es lo que estoy dispuesto a pagar porque sé lo que puede hacer . la educación puede encender sus bren , le dará la posibilidad de que usted puede ser capaz de solvive como nación hemos ser criple durante tantos años , 30 años de la familia en el campo de refugiados sólo reciben los alimentos que provienen de la ONU y la ayuda de gente como tú y yo Si cualquier cuerpo nos quiere ayudar a este lo que queremos. nos dan las herramientas , invertir en nuestro país en materia de educación , para que podamos tener institución fuerte que puede cambiar nuestro país si somos capaces de invertir en la educación de manera que podamos cambiar africa en otros para hacer lo que hemos encontrado asocietion que es goafrica llamada donde ponemos los niños en la escuela para que pueda Soport así que me dije voy a ponerlo en Practis y Poeple que nos ayudarán a hacer que sea una realidad es por eso que estamos haciendo una cambiar para hacer un defrente en el mundo se puede salvar a un niño su ayuda es muy Importante para nosotros donar si puedes. gracias Image Thumbnail Comments(0)// Share We are Sudan. we are a Nation DONATE Children in South Sudan are victims of violence and mass displacement by inter - ethnic conflict that erupted in this young country in December. Children face a grave danger because or are in the midst of fighting or fleeing their homes and need urgently , food, shelter and protection. google DONATE The clashes have left at least a thousand dead . Around 3.2 million people need humanitarian assistance and there are about 738,000 IDPs , of which over 400,000 are children under age. We are particularly concerned about children and displaced civilians in areas of difficult access due to heavy fighting . The population is facing desperate shortages of food and water, and lack of sanitation facilities , posing a high risk of disease. Younger children are especially vulnerable to the effects of diarrhea , which can quickly become very dangerous for them. We are responding quickly to the humanitarian crisis in South Sudan. Efforts are focusing on addressing the needs of the displaced. UNICEF works closely with other UN agencies and other NGO partners for humanitarian access to other areas and expand services as quickly as possible . Health and Nutrition: 118,542 children have been vaccinated against measles and polio, and have received vitamin A supplementation and de-worming tablets. High-energy biscuits to 17,308 children. It is monitoring the nutritional status of children under five in the UN camps . 12,814 have already been examined and 791 children with severe acute malnutrition are being treated . Child protection: so far 3,644 children have received protective services. It has identified 889 separate locations in Juba and other children. 4 Spaces have been established Friends of Children in Juba , where 600 children participate in recreational activities and psychosocial support . Moreover, UNICEF and UNMISS are investigating the possible recruitment and use of children by the various parties involved in the conflict . Education: planning with partners to support the return to school for displaced children , to mark the start of the new academic year in February. South Sudan: funds are needed DONATE: Categories Go africa (1) Previous Posts DONATE E-mail:Password:Remember:Forgot your password? RSS FeedMobile Site

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