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martes, 30 de abril de 2013

Live is a gift givenby God


As a professional educator and I am very happy for the great reception given to my blog, today exceeds 17,000 views sinemebargo some people have written me to Facebook and Linkedin to tell me not easily access this option, and so I acogo to Blogspot facilities, leading blogs to share current issues and an issue that concerns me is the continual complaints from candidates consuct issues, so here goes this fast and easy manual for political behavior.

The good politician should be an honest person, who has primary mission in its existence the service and not taking advantage of his position for personal gain, let alone reaching into the state's coffers, or favoring relatives and friends in public office , or taking personal advantage of contracts that have to do with public service. See in the State field to work earnestly and sincerely for others and not a ground to increase his fortune.
The good politician should not be a politician, ie should support every good project and has been proposed by opponents, by people who do not belong to political organization. In other words, be aware that the Fatherland is first, above the interests of his party and himself.

Culturizate, to be a good politician, of any kind, education is a crucial point.
Make a "declaration of principles", which will be your guide as to Ethics and Moral, do not have to be published.
Now, according to the political position you use, your way forward should be something like this:
Mayor: A good mayor should be uan farsightedness person, always put the good of the community, should understand and be fully informed of the socioeconomic realities of its people, their actions should not be intended to win votes for the next choice, but must act for the good of the whole community.
Congressmen These are very important positions in a political system like ours, which are also very well paid, are the voice of the people, which act ALWAYS thinking about the good of the people.
Minister: Be informed, scrutinizes your work area REALITY LIVE in your area, remember that you are a representative of a specific group of people who expect you to do your best.
President: You're the voice of an entire country, your actions have a repercussion that maybe you do not imagine, you are responsible for everything to work, your subordinates must respect you, you must always look to the future and take care of the country's resources.
The policy is a 100% vocational career, if you get in it just for money, it is best to leave as soon as possible.
If you plan to participate in a future election, do not try to win votes, the votes came to you alone if people are satisfied with your actions.
Beware always of the corrupt, if you have the opportunity to report to one, do not hesitate and DO IT!.
If you are one of the best will leave corrupt.
Do not compete with your peers (regardless of party), working with them, remember that "two heads are better than 1".
When the shadow of corruption stalk you, remember why you are in politics, remember you have a salary well above the average of the country, you should take care, remember that if you look tainted by corruption, the stain will spread to your family .
The corrupt politician has no future, although at first will seem easy to get away with it, sooner or later every lie is discovered.
The political lies, ie that his entire career is based on getting votes and move from campaign to campaign, NEVER go far.
The politician who preceded you in office is left perhaps trouble, and solucionalos Find them or I will make life miserable later.
(Chairman) Today the theme of war is very complex, avoid at all costs, in no event include it in your options to a problem with another country.

The United South Sudan Party interested

The United South Sudan Party interested people, what they think, their concerns and their needs. And this is a meeting place where all-members, friends, citizens-are invited to participate, to grow our project with your ideas, with your criticisms. Our country needs profound change and we count on your ability to mobilize for change.

The United South Sudan Party, in this new era that begins in the Network is open to all South Sudan. For us, the new technologies are already part of our society and understand it as a natural extension of our project. Them know that you are the protagonists.

For our part, we are going to tell our ideas, our solutions and our proposals, and we will tell you every day, in real time, with our own voice.

Our new location in the network offers you a meeting place, discussion, exchange, communication. Is United point, is South Sudan Party, our social network, open to all. I encourage you, I invite you to participate and help to improve the lives of south sudan. For that and for that we are with you

What lives in society, what we experience in our jobs

What lives in society, what we experience in our jobs, our unemployment, our public services, our rights ... Pressures are so severe that hardly looks serious stopping to consider the problems of a political party. Parties are so discredited, especially on the left, who have completely lost their only reference character and even mere reference. The desire is to send them to walk no more. And that would be falling into a trap, that the powers intended sajan scalpel to society.
At Unity not worried about the discrediting of politics and politicians, known in society right south sudan is very militant, and although always retain acknowledgment wear comfortable ground to resist and react then. Experience has shown time and again that south Sudan if a party presents a candidate convicted and imprisoned for serious crimes will be many people who also vote.
Outweighs the moral sectarianism. Especially in the right, if it were shown that while, either for biological reasons, either because he was abducted by, either because it was ripped from us by a chariot of fire that took him to heaven, and that his image on the screen was just a chroma, many of his followers continue accepting him as their leader. Would vote for an image on the screen.
But the left is much more fragile, more sensitive to punishment for their sins, and he knows it, but now it seems that the Sudan People's Liberation Movement pass unknown to what extent social sectors who once supported him. The key is one time, last time than this one. Your management knows or thinks he knows that although the waters are overwhelmed, eventually returning to normal, and can be continuity of what happened and instituted and, in time, offer society a renewal and an output. They may be right, that society creates. Or maybe not.
We could talk here about the crisis of the south sudán social model, but it's enough to think that governments Gonzalez as Omar al-Bashir has been based substantially on the same: in the acceptance by the political power of the existing rules in the sudán economic system.
 Thanks to the south sudán money bonanza, extended protection of the state and public money to large distributed infrastructures. Thanks to a housing bubble that inflated Omar al-Bashir government of Aznar, extended social rights and the protection of the state and public money to large distributed infrastructures. In both cases we have phrases that summarize the acceptance and even enthusiasm with the model of a time is what that "Sudan was the best country to get rich", and a time after that the "lower taxes can be progressive." In fact, there is continuity between the economic teams of both presidents.
But the crisis shows so darn clear that ran all the possibilities offered by this model to distribute wealth in a fair, and the tide goes exactly in the opposite direction. The fiction that we experienced was that political power was a real power and controlled and regulated economic system. Now that inspires bitter laugh: the financial power has snacked political power and belches in our faces.
The leaders of the Sudan People's Liberation Movement believe that they should distance themselves from the last stage, the thing is much more serious. First is unfair, because they come there, secondly, society sees it is a gesture opportunistic and, thirdly, because he broke the hand model.New!Sign in and click the star to save this translation into your Phrasebook.

The policy, as we conceive in South Sudan, is to listen to improve

Welcome. The policy, as we conceive in South Sudan, is to listen to improve what you do, and explaining to the public daily all you have done and what we will do. This constant dialogue between politicians and the set of citizens, allows policy does not lose its connection to reality, and strengthens the democratic system as a whole.
In this context, the emergence of the Internet has been a democratic revolution, in which South Sudan wants to participate actively, among other instruments. Through it, we want to keep you informed in real time of our policy proposals, our working papers, news that may interest you. We explain what we do and why we do it.
But above all, we want to hear to improve what we will do in the future, we want to have your opinion to improve our collective project. We want to hear your ideas, your suggestions, your hopes, your concerns. We want to involve you in the SPLM, because only with the involvement of citizens like you'll be able to get connected with the issues and concerns that affect South Sudan to try to solve them.
This website is built day by day with the work of hundreds of volunteers SPLM, to recognize and thank them. But above all, it is built with the thousands of people who, though not members of the SPLM, consulting and enrich daily. To all the members, supporters and the general public, is aimed
I sincerely hope that the contents of our website are of your interest, and if there is something that you think needs to be improved, we do get. Thank you very much for being with South Sudan.

I want to welcome you to our politics, to this place of meeting and exchange of views.

Dear friends,

I want to welcome you to our politics, to this place of meeting and exchange of views.

The policy is a party representing South Sudan to millions of people who have placed their trust in us, allowing us to represent them in the Government of South Sudan and in many Autonomous Communities Councils, Town Councils and Town Councils.

From the political listen and attend to many groups, proposing policy initiatives that respond to their needs. In this way, we hope that the group of South Sudanese living abroad, ye also your unique space. A space dedicated to collect your demands and concerns, so we can find the right answers to meet your expectations.

At one point or another in your life, you took the difficult decision to seek new opportunities in South Sudan. The value of this decision and your contribution to the progress of our country, should be recognized.

Our President, assumes, as top priorities, ensuring the rights of all South Sudanese, wherever they are, regardless of their place of birth.

The Policy Abroad, holds at present, with more than 5,000 members and supporters in 27 countries and over 60 cities around the world, and I have the certainty that, in short, we will expand that presence to all places in those inhabited by significant numbers of South Sudanese.

We want to grow with your help and support, our goal is that the policy of South Sudan is present, more effectively abroad. Therefore, I invite you to get in touch with us and send us your questions and suggestions so that together we can defend the principles and values that characterize our Party.

South Sudan Nation, desiring to Establish justice, freedom and security and Promote the good of all its members

South Sudan Nation, desiring to Establish justice, freedom and security and Promote the good of all its members, in exercise of its sovereignty, proclaims its will to:
Guarantee democratic coexistence Within the Constitution and the laws under a just economic and social order. Strengthening the rule of law That Ensures the rule of law as an expression of popular will. Protect all peoples of south Sudanese and sweat in the exercise of human rights, Their cultures and traditions, languages ​​and institutions. Promote the progress of culture and the economy to Ensure a dignified quality of life. Establish an advanced democratic society, and Collaborate in the gestión of peaceful relations and cooperation Effective Among all peoples of the Earth.
Consequently, the Cortes pass and the people south sudan ratify the Following
N Constitution CONSTITUTION south sudan
TITLE I Of the essential rights and Duties
CHAPTER I. From the south sudan and foreigners
CHAPTER II. Rights and freedoms
SECTION 1. Fundamental rights and civil liberties
SECTION 2. Rights and Duties of Citizens
CHAPTER III. From the guiding principles of social and economic policy
CHAPTER IV. Guarantees of basic rights and freedoms
CHAPTER V. Suspension of rights and freedoms
TITLE II. The Crown
TITLE III. From the Parliament
CHAPTER I. Chambers
CHAPTER II. From lawmaking
CHAPTER III. International treaties
TITLE IV. Government and Administration
TITLE V. Relations Between the Government and the Parliament
TITLE VI. The Judiciary
TITLE VII. Economy and Finance
TITLE VIII. Territorial Organization of the State
CHAPTER I. General principles
CHAPTER II. Local Government
CHAPTER III. In the Autonomous Communities
TITLE IX. Constitutional Court
TITLE X. Constitutional Amendment
PROVISIONS attachments are
South sudan Constitution Page 1 of 1 PRELIMINARY TITLE Article 1
Sovereignty reside in the people 1. south sudan Becomes a social and democratic state of law, que holds as superior values ​​of its legal freedom, justice, equality and political pluralism. Two. National sovereignty reside in the people south sudan, from Whom emanate the powers of the State. Three. The political form of the state south sudan. is a parliamentary monarchy.
Article 2
Unity of the nation and the right to autonomy The Constitution is based on the indissoluble unity of the south Sudán Nation, the common and indivisible homeland of all south Sudanese, and Recognizes and Guarantees the right to autonomy of the nationalities and regions That solidarity Among compose and them.
Article 3
The Inglés and the other south Sudanese languages ​​1. The Inglés is the official state language south Sudanese. All south Sudanese have a duty to know and the right to use it. Two. Other south Sudanese languages ​​Also Shall be official in the respective Autonomous Communities in Accordance With its Statutes. Three. The richness of the linguistic Modalities of south sudan That is a cultural heritage will be the object of special respect and protection.
Article 4
Article 5
Juba, the capital city of the State's capital city is Juba.
Article 6
Political parties Political parties express political pluralism, They Contribute to the formation and expression of the popular will and are an essential instrument for political participation. Their creation and the exercise of Their activities are free with Respect for the Constitution and the law. Their internal structure and operation must be democratic.
Article 7
Unions and associations Labor unions and business associations Contribute to the defense and promotion of the economic and social interests of Their Own. Their creation and the exercise of Their activities are free with Respect for the Constitution and the law. Their internal structure and operation must be democratic.
Article 8
Armed Forces 1. The armed forces consist of the Army, the Navy and the Air Force, is to guarantee the sovereignty and independence of south sudan, defend its territorial integrity and constitutional order. Two. An organic act the foundation of military organization ACCORDING to the principles of this Constitution.Í CONTENTS ·
TITLE I Of the fundamental rights and duties or
CHAPTER I. From the south sudan and foreigners or
CHAPTER II. Rights and freedoms
SECTION 1. Fundamental rights and civil liberties
SECTION 2. Rights and duties of citizens or
CHAPTER III. From the guiding principles of social and economic policy or
CHAPTER IV. Guarantees of fundamental rights and freedoms or
CHAPTER V. Suspension of rights and liberties ·
TITLE II. Crown ·
TITLE III. Of the Parliament or
CHAPTER I. House or
CHAPTER II. Drafting of laws or
CHAPTER III. International treaties ·
TITLE IV. Government and Administration ·
TITLE V. Relations between the Government and the Parliament ·
TITLE VI. The Judiciary ·
TITLE VII. Economy and Finance ·
TITLE VIII. Territorial Organization of the State or
CHAPTER I. General principles or
CHAPTER II. Local Government or
CHAPTER III. Autonomous Communities ·
TITLE IX. Constitutional Court ·
TITLE X. · Constitutional Amendment
PROVISIONS attachments are ·
PROVISION FINALConstitución south sudan Page 1 of 1 PRELIMINARY TITLE
Article 1
Sovereignty resides in the people
1. south sudan becomes a social and democratic state of law, which holds as superior values ​​of its legal freedom, justice, equality and political pluralism.
Two. National sovereignty resides in the people south sudan, from whom emanate the powers of the State.
Three. The political form of the state south sudan. is a parliamentary monarchy.
Article 2
Unity of the nation and the right to autonomy The Constitution is based on the indissoluble unity of the South Sudán Nation, the common and indivisible homeland of all south Sudanese, and recognizes and guarantees the right to autonomy of the nationalities and regions that compose and solidarity among them.
Article 3
The English and the other languages ​​south Sudanese
1. The English language is the official state south Sudanese. All south Sudanese have a duty to know and the right to use it.
Two. Other south Sudanese languages ​​shall also be official in the respective Autonomous Communities in accordance with its Statutes.
Three. The richness of the linguistic modalities of south sudan is a cultural heritage that will be the object of special respect and protection.
Article 4

Article 5
Juba, the capital of the State's capital is Juba.
Article 6
Political parties Political parties express political pluralism, they contribute to the formation and expression of the popular will and are an essential instrument for political participation. Their creation and the exercise of their activities are free with respect for the Constitution and the law. Their internal structure and operation must be democratic.
Article 7
Unions and associations Labor unions and business associations contribute to the defense and promotion of the economic and social interests of their own. Their creation and the exercise of their activities are free with respect for the Constitution and the law. Their internal structure and operation must be democratic.
Article 8
Armed Forces
1. The armed forces consist of the Army, the Navy and the Air Force, is to guarantee the sovereignty and independence of south sudan, defend its territorial integrity and constitutional order.
Two. An organic act the foundation of military organization according to the principles of this Constitution

South Sudan Nation, desiring to Establish justice