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martes, 30 de abril de 2013

South Sudan Nation, desiring to Establish justice, freedom and security and Promote the good of all its members

South Sudan Nation, desiring to Establish justice, freedom and security and Promote the good of all its members, in exercise of its sovereignty, proclaims its will to:
Guarantee democratic coexistence Within the Constitution and the laws under a just economic and social order. Strengthening the rule of law That Ensures the rule of law as an expression of popular will. Protect all peoples of south Sudanese and sweat in the exercise of human rights, Their cultures and traditions, languages ​​and institutions. Promote the progress of culture and the economy to Ensure a dignified quality of life. Establish an advanced democratic society, and Collaborate in the gestión of peaceful relations and cooperation Effective Among all peoples of the Earth.
Consequently, the Cortes pass and the people south sudan ratify the Following
N Constitution CONSTITUTION south sudan
TITLE I Of the essential rights and Duties
CHAPTER I. From the south sudan and foreigners
CHAPTER II. Rights and freedoms
SECTION 1. Fundamental rights and civil liberties
SECTION 2. Rights and Duties of Citizens
CHAPTER III. From the guiding principles of social and economic policy
CHAPTER IV. Guarantees of basic rights and freedoms
CHAPTER V. Suspension of rights and freedoms
TITLE II. The Crown
TITLE III. From the Parliament
CHAPTER I. Chambers
CHAPTER II. From lawmaking
CHAPTER III. International treaties
TITLE IV. Government and Administration
TITLE V. Relations Between the Government and the Parliament
TITLE VI. The Judiciary
TITLE VII. Economy and Finance
TITLE VIII. Territorial Organization of the State
CHAPTER I. General principles
CHAPTER II. Local Government
CHAPTER III. In the Autonomous Communities
TITLE IX. Constitutional Court
TITLE X. Constitutional Amendment
PROVISIONS attachments are
South sudan Constitution Page 1 of 1 PRELIMINARY TITLE Article 1
Sovereignty reside in the people 1. south sudan Becomes a social and democratic state of law, que holds as superior values ​​of its legal freedom, justice, equality and political pluralism. Two. National sovereignty reside in the people south sudan, from Whom emanate the powers of the State. Three. The political form of the state south sudan. is a parliamentary monarchy.
Article 2
Unity of the nation and the right to autonomy The Constitution is based on the indissoluble unity of the south Sudán Nation, the common and indivisible homeland of all south Sudanese, and Recognizes and Guarantees the right to autonomy of the nationalities and regions That solidarity Among compose and them.
Article 3
The Inglés and the other south Sudanese languages ​​1. The Inglés is the official state language south Sudanese. All south Sudanese have a duty to know and the right to use it. Two. Other south Sudanese languages ​​Also Shall be official in the respective Autonomous Communities in Accordance With its Statutes. Three. The richness of the linguistic Modalities of south sudan That is a cultural heritage will be the object of special respect and protection.
Article 4
Article 5
Juba, the capital city of the State's capital city is Juba.
Article 6
Political parties Political parties express political pluralism, They Contribute to the formation and expression of the popular will and are an essential instrument for political participation. Their creation and the exercise of Their activities are free with Respect for the Constitution and the law. Their internal structure and operation must be democratic.
Article 7
Unions and associations Labor unions and business associations Contribute to the defense and promotion of the economic and social interests of Their Own. Their creation and the exercise of Their activities are free with Respect for the Constitution and the law. Their internal structure and operation must be democratic.
Article 8
Armed Forces 1. The armed forces consist of the Army, the Navy and the Air Force, is to guarantee the sovereignty and independence of south sudan, defend its territorial integrity and constitutional order. Two. An organic act the foundation of military organization ACCORDING to the principles of this Constitution.Í CONTENTS ·
TITLE I Of the fundamental rights and duties or
CHAPTER I. From the south sudan and foreigners or
CHAPTER II. Rights and freedoms
SECTION 1. Fundamental rights and civil liberties
SECTION 2. Rights and duties of citizens or
CHAPTER III. From the guiding principles of social and economic policy or
CHAPTER IV. Guarantees of fundamental rights and freedoms or
CHAPTER V. Suspension of rights and liberties ·
TITLE II. Crown ·
TITLE III. Of the Parliament or
CHAPTER I. House or
CHAPTER II. Drafting of laws or
CHAPTER III. International treaties ·
TITLE IV. Government and Administration ·
TITLE V. Relations between the Government and the Parliament ·
TITLE VI. The Judiciary ·
TITLE VII. Economy and Finance ·
TITLE VIII. Territorial Organization of the State or
CHAPTER I. General principles or
CHAPTER II. Local Government or
CHAPTER III. Autonomous Communities ·
TITLE IX. Constitutional Court ·
TITLE X. · Constitutional Amendment
PROVISIONS attachments are ·
PROVISION FINALConstitución south sudan Page 1 of 1 PRELIMINARY TITLE
Article 1
Sovereignty resides in the people
1. south sudan becomes a social and democratic state of law, which holds as superior values ​​of its legal freedom, justice, equality and political pluralism.
Two. National sovereignty resides in the people south sudan, from whom emanate the powers of the State.
Three. The political form of the state south sudan. is a parliamentary monarchy.
Article 2
Unity of the nation and the right to autonomy The Constitution is based on the indissoluble unity of the South Sudán Nation, the common and indivisible homeland of all south Sudanese, and recognizes and guarantees the right to autonomy of the nationalities and regions that compose and solidarity among them.
Article 3
The English and the other languages ​​south Sudanese
1. The English language is the official state south Sudanese. All south Sudanese have a duty to know and the right to use it.
Two. Other south Sudanese languages ​​shall also be official in the respective Autonomous Communities in accordance with its Statutes.
Three. The richness of the linguistic modalities of south sudan is a cultural heritage that will be the object of special respect and protection.
Article 4

Article 5
Juba, the capital of the State's capital is Juba.
Article 6
Political parties Political parties express political pluralism, they contribute to the formation and expression of the popular will and are an essential instrument for political participation. Their creation and the exercise of their activities are free with respect for the Constitution and the law. Their internal structure and operation must be democratic.
Article 7
Unions and associations Labor unions and business associations contribute to the defense and promotion of the economic and social interests of their own. Their creation and the exercise of their activities are free with respect for the Constitution and the law. Their internal structure and operation must be democratic.
Article 8
Armed Forces
1. The armed forces consist of the Army, the Navy and the Air Force, is to guarantee the sovereignty and independence of south sudan, defend its territorial integrity and constitutional order.
Two. An organic act the foundation of military organization according to the principles of this Constitution

South Sudan Nation, desiring to Establish justice

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